🎖ī¸The utility

Echo Phantom serves three purposes: firstly, as a tool to to promote active participation from the Aleph Zero community to enhance its interaction with the ecosystem. Secondly, as a flexible yield-generating NFT collection. Third, as a platform for promising projects to debut and thrive.

1. Community Engagement

Born as an initiative to actively involve the community and cultivate familiarity with the space, Echo continues to serve as a catalyst for incentivizing exploration, utilization, and sharing within its sphere.

Through a series of organized events, we aim to encourage individuals to discover the ecosystem and share their experiences with newcomers, thereby attracting fresh interest and expanding the reach of Aleph Zero. Our mission is to foster interaction within the Aleph Zero community and to build partnerships with other Aleph Zero ecosystem projects.

2. Flexible Yield-Generation

Moreover, a crucial aspect of this project lies in its role as a flexible yield-generating NFT collection.

Each NFT acts as an instrument to create income: individuals can purchase an NFT, ensuring them future passive earnings by staking the NFT in various pools with different tokens.

Click here to learn how to stake a Echo NFT to earn tokens.

NFT pools (click here for more infos):

3. Partnership program

Echo is also a launchpad for future tokens or NFT collections. By leveraging its presence and network within the community, Echo will provide a way where promising projects can launch and grow successfully.

In addition, Echo is aiming not only to support future tokens or NFT collections on the Aleph Zero ecosystem, but also to become a collaboration hub between projects on the Aleph Zero ecosystem.

1. Liquidity boost

The liquidity boost is designed to assist new projects on introducing their token to the market , while simultaneously generating initial liquidity for their tokens.

Echo Phantom organises a sale of partner edition NFTs with a promotional campaign, generating initial liquidity. The sale proceeds are used to purchase tokens from the project, establishing a staking pool for NFTs.

By exchanging their tokens for Aleph Zero tokens, the collaborating project gains liquidity that can be utilised to fuel the growth and development of their project.

If you're a project interested in collaborating, click here to get in touch with us.

2. Collaboration hub

The concept of Echo extends beyond just the aesthetics of its digital assets. When partnering with other projects, Echo engages in brainstorming sessions to conceive new products or tools that users can benefit from.

Echo also actively participates in the development process and, upon completion, promotes the finished product with a promotional campaign to attract traffic.

If you're a project interested in collaborating, click here to get in touch with us.

Last updated